"Going Home"

I believe it was Thomas Wolfe who proclaimed that "you can never go home again" but, as I reflect upon this egregious misrepresentation of the true course of life, I am compelled to dispute this hypothetical ambiguity. From the first moment we take our first protesting breath, we are on our inexorable journey back to from whence we started. Irrepressively, unremittingly, we are relentlessly drawn back to that time and place to where we will return, the dust from which we originated. The road is varied with many pitfalls and rewards along the way and none of us will ever travel the path of his brother. Some of us will attain recognition far beyond that we could normally expect while others will hardly make a ripple upon the mainstream of time. But most of us, will lead a fruitful, productive life with only friends and family to note our passing. We are each the end result of our own aspirations. We enjoy a singular responsibility for who we are and what we may have attained. We may have been channeled to seek a particular status or position. But, in so doing, we ourselves, have made the ultimate decision and are solely responsible for who we are. No one shares my destiny, no one walks in my footsteps. However, who we are or what we may have attained in this fragile life, will mean little when we cross into that great unknown. What will matter is how we conducted our affairs and how we treated those whose lives we touched. This is the legacy we leave behind. We are all God’s children. He gave us this life we currently enjoy and it is ti Him, we will all, humbly, return.