"Definition of  a Man"

We are judged by the image we present and all too frequently, that image is, either by design or preconception, misinterpreted. we are inclined to present ourselves to the greatest advantage which all too often, projects a facade not necessarily in concert with our true identity.who are you and how do you perceive yourself?
Is what you project the essence of who you are or the image you would have us believe?
what follows is a brief introspection of the elements that motivate my life. You tell me who I am.

I cherish the memory of old Mrs Crowshaw who brought me in touch with myself and taught me to not be afraid.
I love Notre Dame football and NASCAR racing.
I love soft summer breezes and rainy days.
I like small furry animals and detest intolerance at any level.
I love Chopin concertos and Patsy Cline.
I love good Italian food and New Years Eve celebrations.
I honor the painful memories of my heroic son.
I wish that I could live to see the day when all of humanity is at peace with itself.
I would like to see the production of arms become an ancient industry.
I think a good book is one from which you can learn.
I like Saturdays because you always had the next day off and now that I am retired, all days are Saturday.
I love golf and the people I play with.
I love women because they do not compete with me.
I love my children, they are an extension of myself'
I love my wife, she tolerates my idiosyncrasies.
I love the ocean spray in my face and the hot summer sun at my back.
I love my neighbors because they leave me alone.
I love to sing and my garden tractor.
I am proud I had the opportunity to serve my country and that service took me to Omaha beach and beyond.
I despise people in public office who have not the
conviction of their own rhetoric.
I like chocolate cake and azaleas.
I believe in the fallibility of man and the omnipotence of the Creator.
I think everyone should visit The Wall and the cemetery at Omaha beach.
I respect people who are not afraid to ask for help.
I like music from the 40's and JEOPARDY!
I love rosebuds and buttercups.
of course, I could go on and on but I think this pretty well defines the guy behind this page.